“Kata, the Iron Thorn” weaves supernatural, superhero, and spooky family fantasy elements, anchored by a profound emphasis on non-violence. The narrative seamlessly intertwines the contemporary world with the legendary Jamaican warrior, Kata, who once confronted pirates and ghosts (Duppies) in 1655 Jamaica.

The story resonates deeply with African and global audiences, exploring themes of violence, greed, ignorance, and prejudice juxtaposed against wit and humor. With an intricate blend of action, romance, horror, and comedy, the tale has garnered acclaim for its multifaceted approach.

In contrast to many superhero fantasy narratives, Kata doesn’t romanticize the hero’s weapon. On the other hand, the Kata story warns about the perils of weapons, even those wielded by superheroes, like Kata’s mighty magic sword called “The Iron Thorn.”

Through the perspective of DJ Terry Lee Barrett, a character of Caribbean descent, the narrative bridges past and present. As the youngest descendant of Kata, DJ Terry Lee Barrett becomes enmeshed in an ancient saga that traverses time and space, unfolding against the backdrop of history and modernity. Proceeds from the Kata Project will support anti-violence nonprofits.

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The 5-star rated Kata action-adventure novel narrated by Audie Award winner, Mirron Willis.


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About The Author

Terry Lee Barrett

Terry Lee Barrett was born at Andrews Memorial Hospital in Kingston, Jamaica. He was named after the doctor that helped bring him into the world. He is the son of The Reverend Dr. Leonard E. Barrett, Ph.D., and Theodora Jackson-Barrett. In his early life, he lived in Jamaica, Philadelphia, PA, and San German, Puerto Rico.

Kata Video Game

Currently under development

Kata Novel And
Screenplay Reviews

As a Jamaican-American screenwriter born in Jamaica and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, I deeply connect to my history and culture; I have had a lifelong interest in telling my semi-autobiographical story, “Kata, The Iron Thorn.”

Meet Terry Lee's Father

Dr. Leonard
E. Barrett Sr.

The Reverend Doctor Leonard E. Barrett, Sr., PhD, was born on January 26, 1920, in St. Elizabeth Jamaica, the son of Jerry Barrett and Katherine Wells-Barrett. Raised in Jamaica with humble beginnings and limited opportunities, Barrett’s perseverance and a quest for intellectual and spiritual experiences shaped his path as an academician, anthropologist, author, and theologian, who spent more than 50 years of his life, educating and inspiring students, colleagues, and communities